🤩 300 Readers sent us sugar notes

Hello Hello,

Wassup, How are you?

Last Weekend was crazy. I had my in-laws over and we went to Dudhsagar Waterfalls. It was quite a ride and a very beautiful waterfall to swim in.

Major Win 🥳🤩

I am always sceptical, what if numbers lie and all the subs, ctr, and metrics I am following don’t mean anything?

But then I took a bet and did a survey. I also, against all the advice and common sense added an unsubscribe button to ProductMonk’s email.

And the results overwhelmed us. 👇🏻

We received over 300 ❤️ melting messages for our work. And only 32 people unsubscribed out of 7197 people who read the email.
We are onto something. ⚡️

Challenges 😩😭

  1. The biggest question that looms over us is ‘Monetisation’. How do we enhance the value provided to the readers, while making some money? We have some ideas and thoughts and will start experimenting with them this week.

  2. We also want to crack brand partnerships to run some ads in our newsletters. Have no clue on how to proceed on that.

  3. No progress on the toy store. Could not find any importer who would help me import the toys. 😭

Feel free to reply to this email, if you have any valuable suggestions. 

Questions I am Pondering 😵‍💫

  1. I have a decent idea of how to crack and grow an email newsletter. What do I do next? Do I build multiple brands of newsletters or should I build an agency helping folks build a newsletter and personal brand?

  2. Why every newsletter is so value-driven and not relationship-focused? 5 points to improve your life, 10 ways to build wealth, etc. etc. etc. I want to build a relationship with my readers through Experimentality. Is this the right way?

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